The Guide to setting up IPC...

  1. First of all download the latest version of IPC for your OS over at the download page
  2. Unpack the .rar file with WinRar or any other program
  3. Start the .jar file by double clicking. This will open up IPC in a very small version with only two entries
    (LAN- and WAN-Port). Please note that two .txt files have been created on startup (settings.txt and ips.txt) which
    will allow you to configure IPC to your liking and needs
  4. Configure settings.txt according to the instructions
  5. Make sure that your local Administrator account is activated
    (check if there is a user named "Administrator" under Control Panel -> Users)
  6. If there is no account named Administrator please run cmd.exe as admin (right click -> Run as administrator)
    and type: "net user administrator /active:yes" (without the quotes)
  7. Access your PCs users again where you should now find your local Administrator account.
    Please set a password for that account.
  8. Open ips.txt and add the entries you need (see examples and instructions in ips.txt and the ReadMe file)

  9. Restart IPC for all the changes to take effect and have fun :)

... and how to use it:

- Clicking one of the name buttons on the left will copy the corresponding IP to your clipboard
- "Ping" will start a continuous cmd ping to that IP
- "Config" will set you LAN interface accordingly for you to access that IP
- Select one of your customers in the dropdown menu and hit "Launch SSA and copy" to launch System Status
and copy the IP to your clipboard - that way it only requires a simple paste and you're good to go
- "Settings" will open a new window where you can open one of the config files directly in Notepad
- "Restart IPC" will restart IPC for all the changes you made in the config files to take effect
- "Free IP-Config" allows you to set any desired IP without having to navigate all the way to your NICs properties